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College student who thought she had ‘common cold’ diagnosed with brain cancer

By Admin | March 21, 2019

A college freshman who thought her headaches were symptoms of a common cold that she had picked up after moving into her new dorm this fall has been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Laura Nuttall, 19, has already undergone brain surgery and radiotherapy for the tumors, but her family says that they’re not sure how much time she has left.

“Our lives changed forever as Laura was diagnosed with 2 brain tumors,” Nicola Nuttall, the woman’s mother, wrote on their GoFundMe page. “She had a further MRI scan later that morning and it became apparent that she in fact had at least 6 brain tumors.”

To find out more, please read, College student who thought she had ‘common cold’ diagnosed with brain cancer, by Fox News. 

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