Judy Faulkner's best leadership advice
By Admin | December 11, 2024
In 2024, Judy Faulkner, founder and CEO of Epic Systems, shared her advice, insights, personal philosophies, and stories across a range of topics, all shaped by her decades of experience.
Here is some of her greatest advice, as reported by Becker's:
- Ms. Faulkner reflected on a 1998 marketing lesson that challenged her initial skepticism about advertising. After an unconventional strategy using a "belly band" to highlight Epic's No. 1 KLAS ranking proved successful at a major conference, Ms. Faulkner humorously fulfilled her promise to "eat her own words" by consuming a soup made with pieces of the campaign material.
- Ms. Faulkner emphasized the importance of balanced leadership teams, likening effective partnerships to the concept of "yin and yang." She observed that when one half of a complementary leadership duo departs, the dynamic often shifts significantly, underscoring the...(More) For more information please read, Judy Faulkner's best leadership advice, by Becker's Health It